Crop circle research investigation updates on crop circle phenomena.

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Form energy

Aerial shots of the crop circles provided by Lucy Pringle & Steve Alexander and others.


As we look further into the dynamics of the crop circle phenomena we find ourselves delving into a far distant science that was once prolific throughout the world. Now of course we look to modern day scientific principles and hope to fit the puzzle to what we interpret as known modern day principles and yet the results do not match these known principles as the modern day ones are limited in the explanation so new protocols are required in order for us to explore the feasibility of the dynamics of these designs.

In this first step we need to explore the reason why the internal structure of the plants are affected and yet the outer areas are not. When research is done on the causes of the internal changes and we discover that only a heat energy of around 800 degrees or more would be required and we do not see any outer damage then we are forced to look into the possibilities of a new type of energy that we as yet have no known knowledge of.

Here we need to explore the state of cold force which internally is hot while externally it is cold!

This is done using a range of tone frequencies that are compatible and when done as single pairs in a group of 4 you end up with a spherical shape that has dynamic energy both outer and inner. Cool on the outside but extremely hot on the inside and within this dynamic structure there is shape and form in the geometric shape of a helix which has its own geometric constant.

Due to the natural way in which the geometry forms is the reason why so many familiar patterns are recognized but that does not make them less important as they are a representation of a variety of elements that the geometry represents and the way the geometry changes is a diagnostic process which depicts the relevant condition of that element etc.

When we look at the spheres as an example we can reproduce one in laboratory situation simply by laying the system out so that it produces a spherical energy using the 4 compatible phases as mentioned above. The result is a geometric helix which shows at the base. The base is produced by placing the first 2 pairs at the bottom facing up and the other 2 pairs at right angle to them also at the bottom.

If the sphere is required then the first 2 pairs are at the bottom facing up and the other 2 are above facing down and placed at a rotation vector of 145 degrees from the alignment at the bottom. The reason for the 145 degree is so that the spin is created so that the sphere can form. The spherical shape can also be controlled by the use of a guidance system which can also be programmed into it so that it can be maneuvered in any direction.

If you are interested in contacting DR Sherwood regarding these processes and wish to take them further then E-mail here! Universities and other research groups may also contact at the same email.


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